Linux - ambience up a DHCP Server (Video 1 of 4 for ambience up Linux Router/Gateway)
Read: In this video, I show you how to setup a DHCP server on a linux machine. This is the start of having a computer, running linux, to be your router and gateway to the internet. This is the first video, and we just touch on getting the DHCP rolling. Thank you, Shane. (The written version is being revised to reflect /etc/sysctl.conf changes) Notes: If you use debian or anything debian based, I cannot and will not help you. Do not ask for help on those distributions. Especially ubuntu. Prerequisits: -A PC -Two Network cards (One can be built in, and the other can be PCI or PCIe) -A linux operating system You can follow along completely if you use these distributions: --Fedora --CentOS NOTE: Edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file and find the line that says net.ipv4.ip_forward. Set it to 1. This will make it work! Commands to note: vi -- It's an editor in linux. i for insert, o for a new line, shift+g to go to the end of the file, ESC for command mode. :wq saves your file (zz does too). nano -- Another editor in linux, much easier to use. pico --Alternative to nano if not available. services name restart --name being the name of the service yum install name ---name being the name of the package chkconfig -- Changes runlevels of services (Example of chkconfig: chkconfig --list dhcpd) Files/Folders to note: /etc/dhcpd.conf :: The DHCP configuration file Example file: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethx :: x = number of interface. Network card ... Order Remington Chainsaw Parts Yamaha U1 Piano Ideas Last Minute Coleman Power Inverter
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